

The Design System is built upon the research and experience of teams across the whole of government.

Anyone can propose, develop or contribute to new patterns and components, or improvements to existing ones.

Here is a list of the components, patterns and updates currently on the Design System community backlog. They can be:

  • Proposed - someone has suggested a new component or pattern
  • To do - the proposed component or pattern has been agreed and is ready to work on
  • In progress - someone is actively working on the component or pattern
Name Status
Additional information Proposed
Alerts To do
Autocomplete In progress
Back-to-top link Proposed
Before you start page Proposed
Book an appointment To do
Border styles Proposed
Business details To do
Callout text Proposed
Card To do
Case summary page To do
Code block To do
Compare options Proposed
Confirm an action To do
Contact a department To do
Contact preferences To do
Contents links Proposed
Cookie banner To do
Cookie page To do
Country To do
Currency input To do
Dashboard page To do
Data To do
Date picker To do
Delegate authority To do
Department logos Proposed
Document history To do
Document metadata Proposed
Download links To do
Edit a list To do
Feedback link Proposed
Filter a list Proposed
Find an address To do
Gender and sex In progress
Get updates about a service To do
Icons To do
Identifying users To do
Illustrations To do
Interruption card To do
Loading spinner To do
Make a declaration To do
Maps To do
Modal dialogue To do
Moving a user from offline to online Proposed
Nationality To do
Navigation To do
Number input To do
Pagination To do
Passport details To do
Pay for something To do
Personal details To do
Postcodes To do
Previous and next links To do
Protected characteristics To do
Recover an account To do
Reference numbers To do
Related links To do
Save their progress To do
Search box Proposed
Search for something To do
Sending emails To do
Sending letters To do
Sending text messages To do
Set user permissions To do
Share links on social media Proposed
Share personal data To do
Showing status To do
Showing text changes Proposed
Sign in To do
Sign out To do
Submit a photo To do
Supporting multiple languages To do
Terms and conditions To do
Timeline To do
Timeout page To do
Timeout warning To do
Video To do
Web chat To do

Need help?

If you’ve got a question about the GOV.UK Design System you can contact the team: