The GOV.UK header shows users that they are on GOV.UK and which service they are using.
<header class="govuk-header " role="banner" data-module="header">
<div class="govuk-header__container govuk-width-container">
<div class="govuk-header__logo">
<a href="#" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
<span class="govuk-header__logotype">
<svg role="presentation" focusable="false" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 132 97" height="32" width="36">
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M25 30.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.2-3.6-1.4-7.6.3-9.1 3.9-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.9 9zM9 39.5c3.6 1.5 7.8-.2 9.2-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.2-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.8 9zM4.4 57.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.5-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.6 3.9 9.1zm38.3-21.4c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.3 3.6.4 7.7 3.9 9.1zm64.4-5.6c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.8-9.2 3.6-1.4 7.7.3 9.2 3.9 1.3 3.5-.4 7.5-3.9 9zm15.9 9.3c-3.6 1.5-7.7-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.7-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.2 9.2 3.8 1.5 3.5-.3 7.5-3.8 9zm4.7 17.7c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.5-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.3 3.5-.4 7.6-3.9 9.1zM89.3 35.8c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.4-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.4 3.6-.3 7.7-3.9 9.1zM69.7 17.7l8.9 4.7V9.3l-8.9 2.8c-.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9L72.4 0H59.6l3.5 11.2c-.3.3-.6.5-.9.9l-8.8-2.8v13.1l8.8-4.7c. 15.4v.1c-.2.8-.4 1.6-.4 2.4 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7 8.1h.2c.3 0 .7.1 1 .1.4 0 .7 0 1-.1h.2c4-.6 7.1-4.1 7.1-8.1 0-.8-.1-1.7-.4-2.4V34l-5.1-15.4c.4-.2.7-.6 1-.9zM66 92.8c16.9 0 32.8 1.1 47.1 3.2 4-16.9 8.9-26.7 14-33.5l-9.6-3.4c1 4.9 1.1 7.2 0 10.2-1.5-1.4-3-4.3-4.2-8.7L108.6 76c2.8-2 5-3.2 7.5-3.3-4.4 9.4-10 11.9-13.6 11.2-4.3-.8-6.3-4.6-5.6-7.9 1-4.7 5.7-5.9 8-.5 4.3-8.7-3-11.4-7.6-8.8 7.1-7.2 7.9-13.5 2.1-21.1-8 6.1-8.1 12.3-4.5 20.8-4.7-5.4-12.1-2.5-9.5 6.2 3.4-5.2 7.9-2 7.2 3.1-.6 4.3-6.4 7.8-13.5 7.2-10.3-.9-10.9-8-11.2-13.8 2.5-.5 7.1 1.8 11 7.3L80.2 60c-4.1 4.4-8 5.3-12.3 5.4 1.4-4.4 8-11.6 8-11.6H55.5s6.4 7.2 7.9 11.6c-4.2-.1-8-1-12.3-5.4l1.4 16.4c3.9-5.5 8.5-7.7 10.9-7.3-.3 5.8-.9 12.8-11.1 13.8-7.2.6-12.9-2.9-13.5-7.2-.7-5 3.8-8.3 7.1-3.1 2.7-8.7-4.6-11.6-9.4-6.2 3.7-8.5 3.6-14.7-4.6-20.8-5.8 7.6-5 13.9 2.2 21.1-4.7-2.6-11.9.1-7.7 8.8 2.3-5.5 7.1-4.2 3.3-1.3 7.1-5.7 7.9-3.5.7-9-1.8-13.5-11.2 2.5.1 4.7 1.3 7.5 3.3l-4.7-15.4c-1.2 4.4-2.7 7.2-4.3 8.7-1.1-3-.9-5.3 0-10.2l-9.5 3.4c5 6.9 9.9 16.7 14 33.5 14.8-2.1 30.8-3.2 47.7-3.2z"></path>
<image src="/assets/images/govuk-logotype-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image"></image>
<span class="govuk-header__logotype-text">
{% from "header/macro.njk" import govukHeader %}
{{ govukHeader({
homepageUrl: "#"
}) }}
When to use this component
You must use the GOV.UK header at the top of every page if your service is being hosted on one of these domains:
- gov.uk/myservice
- myservice.service.gov.uk
- myblog.blog.gov.uk
When not to use this component
You must not use the GOV.UK header if your service is not being hosted on one of the above domains.
How it works
Default header
Use the default header if your service has 5 pages or fewer.
<header class="govuk-header " role="banner" data-module="header">
<div class="govuk-header__container govuk-width-container">
<div class="govuk-header__logo">
<a href="#" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
<span class="govuk-header__logotype">
<svg role="presentation" focusable="false" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 132 97" height="32" width="36">
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M25 30.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.2-3.6-1.4-7.6.3-9.1 3.9-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.9 9zM9 39.5c3.6 1.5 7.8-.2 9.2-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.2-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.8 9zM4.4 57.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.5-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.6 3.9 9.1zm38.3-21.4c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.3 3.6.4 7.7 3.9 9.1zm64.4-5.6c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.8-9.2 3.6-1.4 7.7.3 9.2 3.9 1.3 3.5-.4 7.5-3.9 9zm15.9 9.3c-3.6 1.5-7.7-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.7-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.2 9.2 3.8 1.5 3.5-.3 7.5-3.8 9zm4.7 17.7c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.5-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.3 3.5-.4 7.6-3.9 9.1zM89.3 35.8c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.4-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.4 3.6-.3 7.7-3.9 9.1zM69.7 17.7l8.9 4.7V9.3l-8.9 2.8c-.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9L72.4 0H59.6l3.5 11.2c-.3.3-.6.5-.9.9l-8.8-2.8v13.1l8.8-4.7c. 15.4v.1c-.2.8-.4 1.6-.4 2.4 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7 8.1h.2c.3 0 .7.1 1 .1.4 0 .7 0 1-.1h.2c4-.6 7.1-4.1 7.1-8.1 0-.8-.1-1.7-.4-2.4V34l-5.1-15.4c.4-.2.7-.6 1-.9zM66 92.8c16.9 0 32.8 1.1 47.1 3.2 4-16.9 8.9-26.7 14-33.5l-9.6-3.4c1 4.9 1.1 7.2 0 10.2-1.5-1.4-3-4.3-4.2-8.7L108.6 76c2.8-2 5-3.2 7.5-3.3-4.4 9.4-10 11.9-13.6 11.2-4.3-.8-6.3-4.6-5.6-7.9 1-4.7 5.7-5.9 8-.5 4.3-8.7-3-11.4-7.6-8.8 7.1-7.2 7.9-13.5 2.1-21.1-8 6.1-8.1 12.3-4.5 20.8-4.7-5.4-12.1-2.5-9.5 6.2 3.4-5.2 7.9-2 7.2 3.1-.6 4.3-6.4 7.8-13.5 7.2-10.3-.9-10.9-8-11.2-13.8 2.5-.5 7.1 1.8 11 7.3L80.2 60c-4.1 4.4-8 5.3-12.3 5.4 1.4-4.4 8-11.6 8-11.6H55.5s6.4 7.2 7.9 11.6c-4.2-.1-8-1-12.3-5.4l1.4 16.4c3.9-5.5 8.5-7.7 10.9-7.3-.3 5.8-.9 12.8-11.1 13.8-7.2.6-12.9-2.9-13.5-7.2-.7-5 3.8-8.3 7.1-3.1 2.7-8.7-4.6-11.6-9.4-6.2 3.7-8.5 3.6-14.7-4.6-20.8-5.8 7.6-5 13.9 2.2 21.1-4.7-2.6-11.9.1-7.7 8.8 2.3-5.5 7.1-4.2 3.3-1.3 7.1-5.7 7.9-3.5.7-9-1.8-13.5-11.2 2.5.1 4.7 1.3 7.5 3.3l-4.7-15.4c-1.2 4.4-2.7 7.2-4.3 8.7-1.1-3-.9-5.3 0-10.2l-9.5 3.4c5 6.9 9.9 16.7 14 33.5 14.8-2.1 30.8-3.2 47.7-3.2z"></path>
<image src="/assets/images/govuk-logotype-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image"></image>
<span class="govuk-header__logotype-text">
{% from "header/macro.njk" import govukHeader %}
{{ govukHeader({
homepageUrl: "#"
}) }}
Header with service name
Use the header with a service name if your service is more than 5 pages long - this can help users understand which service they are using.
<header class="govuk-header " role="banner" data-module="header">
<div class="govuk-header__container govuk-width-container">
<div class="govuk-header__logo">
<a href="#" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
<span class="govuk-header__logotype">
<svg role="presentation" focusable="false" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 132 97" height="32" width="36">
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M25 30.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.2-3.6-1.4-7.6.3-9.1 3.9-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.9 9zM9 39.5c3.6 1.5 7.8-.2 9.2-3.7 1.5-3.6-.2-7.8-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.2-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.5 3.8 9zM4.4 57.2c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.5-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.4 3.5.3 7.6 3.9 9.1zm38.3-21.4c3.5 1.5 7.7-.2 9.1-3.8 1.5-3.6-.2-7.7-3.9-9.1-3.6-1.5-7.6.3-9.1 3.8-1.3 3.6.4 7.7 3.9 9.1zm64.4-5.6c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.8-9.2 3.6-1.4 7.7.3 9.2 3.9 1.3 3.5-.4 7.5-3.9 9zm15.9 9.3c-3.6 1.5-7.7-.2-9.1-3.7-1.5-3.6.2-7.8 3.7-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.2 9.2 3.8 1.5 3.5-.3 7.5-3.8 9zm4.7 17.7c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.5-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.3 3.5-.4 7.6-3.9 9.1zM89.3 35.8c-3.6 1.5-7.8-.2-9.2-3.8-1.4-3.6.2-7.7 3.9-9.1 3.6-1.5 7.7.3 9.2 3.8 1.4 3.6-.3 7.7-3.9 9.1zM69.7 17.7l8.9 4.7V9.3l-8.9 2.8c-.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9L72.4 0H59.6l3.5 11.2c-.3.3-.6.5-.9.9l-8.8-2.8v13.1l8.8-4.7c. 15.4v.1c-.2.8-.4 1.6-.4 2.4 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7 8.1h.2c.3 0 .7.1 1 .1.4 0 .7 0 1-.1h.2c4-.6 7.1-4.1 7.1-8.1 0-.8-.1-1.7-.4-2.4V34l-5.1-15.4c.4-.2.7-.6 1-.9zM66 92.8c16.9 0 32.8 1.1 47.1 3.2 4-16.9 8.9-26.7 14-33.5l-9.6-3.4c1 4.9 1.1 7.2 0 10.2-1.5-1.4-3-4.3-4.2-8.7L108.6 76c2.8-2 5-3.2 7.5-3.3-4.4 9.4-10 11.9-13.6 11.2-4.3-.8-6.3-4.6-5.6-7.9 1-4.7 5.7-5.9 8-.5 4.3-8.7-3-11.4-7.6-8.8 7.1-7.2 7.9-13.5 2.1-21.1-8 6.1-8.1 12.3-4.5 20.8-4.7-5.4-12.1-2.5-9.5 6.2 3.4-5.2 7.9-2 7.2 3.1-.6 4.3-6.4 7.8-13.5 7.2-10.3-.9-10.9-8-11.2-13.8 2.5-.5 7.1 1.8 11 7.3L80.2 60c-4.1 4.4-8 5.3-12.3 5.4 1.4-4.4 8-11.6 8-11.6H55.5s6.4 7.2 7.9 11.6c-4.2-.1-8-1-12.3-5.4l1.4 16.4c3.9-5.5 8.5-7.7 10.9-7.3-.3 5.8-.9 12.8-11.1 13.8-7.2.6-12.9-2.9-13.5-7.2-.7-5 3.8-8.3 7.1-3.1 2.7-8.7-4.6-11.6-9.4-6.2 3.7-8.5 3.6-14.7-4.6-20.8-5.8 7.6-5 13.9 2.2 21.1-4.7-2.6-11.9.1-7.7 8.8 2.3-5.5 7.1-4.2 3.3-1.3 7.1-5.7 7.9-3.5.7-9-1.8-13.5-11.2 2.5.1 4.7 1.3 7.5 3.3l-4.7-15.4c-1.2 4.4-2.7 7.2-4.3 8.7-1.1-3-.9-5.3 0-10.2l-9.5 3.4c5 6.9 9.9 16.7 14 33.5 14.8-2.1 30.8-3.2 47.7-3.2z"></path>
<image src="/assets/images/govuk-logotype-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image"></image>
<span class="govuk-header__logotype-text">
<div class="govuk-header__content">
<a href="#" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--service-name">
Service name
{% from "header/macro.njk" import govukHeader %}
{{ govukHeader({
homepageUrl: "#",
serviceName: "Service name",
serviceUrl: "#"
}) }}
Header with service name and navigation
Use the header with navigation if you need to include basic navigation, contact or account management links.
Help improve this page
To help make sure the Header page is useful, relevant and up to date, you can:
- share research or feedback about the Header component on GitHub
- propose a change to this page - read more about how to propose changes in GitHub
Need help?
If you’ve got a question about the GOV.UK Design System you can contact the team: