Updating from GOV.UK Elements and Frontend Toolkit
GOV.UK Frontend is the frontend codebase that replaces GOV.UK Elements, Frontend Toolkit and parts of GOV.UK Template.
The tables below show the old and new names for components, classes and mixins, to help you find what you need.
Page template
Previously, to keep your pages consistent with the rest of GOV.UK you would have needed to use GOV.UK Template.
This has been brought into GOV.UK Frontend. You can consume it using Nunjucks or HTML.
If you are not using Nunjucks you can get the page template HTML.
Where possible we have kept the new page template the same as GOV.UK Template.
The main change is changing variables from snake_case to camelCase.
GOV.UK Template | GOV.UK Frontend |
:top_of_page | Deprecated: putting content above the <!DOCTYPE html> will result in broken pages for users of older Internet Explorer versions. |
:html_lang | htmlLang |
:page_title | pageTitle |
:asset_path | assetPath |
:head | head |
:body_classes | bodyClasses |
:body_start | bodyStart |
:skip_link_message |
You can now entirely replace the skip link by rendering your own,
which can include custom
See the skip link component for more details. |
:cookie_message | No replacement, we are looking to improve this component based on GDPR requirements. |
header_class |
You can now entirely replace the header component by rendering your own,
which can include custom
See the header component for more details. |
homepage_url |
You can now entirely replace the header component by rendering your own,
which can include custom
See the header component for more details. |
global_header_text | No equivalent. Raise an issue if you need this. |
inside_header |
You can now entirely replace the header component by rendering your own,
which can include a custom
See the header component for more details. |
proposition_header |
You can now entirely replace the header component by rendering your own,
which can include a custom
See the header component for more details. |
:after_header | beforeContent |
:content |
In the old GOV.UK Template there was no default
You can restructure your content so that it does not use a |
:footer_top |
You can now entirely replace the footer component by rendering your own,
which can include a custom
See the footer component for more details. |
:footer_support_links |
You can now entirely replace the footer component by rendering your own,
which can include custom
See the footer component for more details. |
:licence_message | No equivalent. Raise an issue if you need this. |
:body_end | bodyEnd |
Component names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
link-back | Back link component |
Button | Button component |
Checkboxes | Checkboxes component |
Date pattern | Date input component |
Hidden text (Progressive disclosure) | Details component |
Errors and validation | Error message component Error summary component |
<fieldset> | Fieldset component |
File upload | File upload component |
Alpha and beta banners | Phase banner component |
Radio buttons | Radios component |
Select boxes | Select component |
Phase tag | Tag component |
Form fields | Text input component |
<textarea> | Textarea component |
Warning text (previously Legal text) | Warning text component |
govuk-box-highlight | Panel component |
Inset text | Inset text component |
panel (object) panel-border-wide panel-border-narrow |
Deprecated: this style is now contained within each component that needs it |
Class names
GOV.UK Frontend uses “Block, Element, Modifier” (BEM) and Inverted Triangle CSS (ITCSS) to structure CSS and define class names. This means all of the existing class names have changed.
Typography class names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
heading-xlarge | govuk-heading-xl |
heading-large | govuk-heading-l |
heading-medium | govuk-heading-m |
heading-small | govuk-heading-s |
lede | govuk-body-l |
<p> body-text |
govuk-body |
font-xsmall | govuk-body-s |
<a> | govuk-link |
<hr> | govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-section-break--xl govuk-section-break--l govuk-section-break--m |
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
list | govuk-list |
list list-bullet |
govuk-list govuk-list--bullet |
list list-number |
govuk-list govuk-list--number |
Layout and grid system class names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
grid-row | govuk-grid-row |
column-full | govuk-grid-column-full |
column-one-half | govuk-grid-column-one-half |
column-one-third | govuk-grid-column-one-third |
column-two-thirds | govuk-grid-column-two-thirds |
column-one-quarter | govuk-grid-column-one-quarter |
#content | Page wrappers |
Form related class names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
form-group | govuk-form-group |
form-hint | Specific to component, for example govuk-label__hint |
form-label | Specific to component, for example govuk-label govuk-radios__label |
form-label-bold | govuk-label--s |
form-control form-control-3-4 form-control-2-3 form-control-1-2 form-control-1-3 form-control-1-4 form-control-1-8 |
Width override classes |
form-section | Deprecated: not required with new spacing implementation |
form-group-related | Deprecated: not required with new spacing implementation |
form-group-compound | Deprecated: not required with new spacing implementation |
Helper class names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
visually-hidden, visuallyhidden | govuk-visually-hidden govuk-visually-hidden-focusable |
Override class names
GOV.UK Elements | GOV.UK Frontend |
font-xxlarge | govuk-!-font-size-80 |
font-xlarge | govuk-!-font-size-48 |
font-large | govuk-!-font-size-36 |
font-medium | govuk-!-font-size-24 |
font-small | govuk-!-font-size-19 |
font-xsmall | govuk-!-font-size-16 |
bold-xxlarge | govuk-!-font-size-80 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold-xlarge | govuk-!-font-size-48 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold-large | govuk-!-font-size-36 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold-medium | govuk-!-font-size-24 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold-small | govuk-!-font-size-19 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold-xsmall | govuk-!-font-size-16 govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
bold | govuk-!-font-weight-bold |
Mixins and variables
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@include core-80 | @include govuk-font(80) |
@include core-48 | @include govuk-font(48) |
@include core-36 | @include govuk-font(36) |
@include core-27 | @include govuk-font(27) |
@include core-24 | @include govuk-font(24) |
@include core-19 | @include govuk-font(19) |
@include core-16 | @include govuk-font(16) |
@include core-14 | @include govuk-font(14) |
@include bold-80 | @include govuk-font(80, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-48 | @include govuk-font(48, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-36 | @include govuk-font(36, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-27 | @include govuk-font(27, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-24 | @include govuk-font(24, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-19 | @include govuk-font(19, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-16 | @include govuk-font(16, $weight: bold) |
@include bold-14 | @include govuk-font(14, $weight: bold) |
@include heading-80 | Deprecated: 80px headings are not used, @include govuk-font(80, $weight: bold) should be used instead |
@include heading-48 | @extend %govuk-heading-xl |
@include heading-36 | @extend %govuk-heading-l |
@include heading-27 | Deprecated: 27px headings are not used, @include govuk-font(27, $weight: bold) should be used instead |
@include heading-24 | @extend %govuk-heading-m |
@include copy-19 | @extend %govuk-body |
@include copy-14 | @extend %govuk-body-xs |
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@extend site-width-container | @include govuk-width-container |
@include grid-column( 1/4 ) | Deprecated: you cannot apply grid properties to other elements using GOV.UK Frontend |
@include grid-column( 1/2 ) | Deprecated: you cannot apply grid properties to other elements using GOV.UK Frontend |
@include grid-column( 1/3 ) | Deprecated: you cannot apply grid properties to other elements using GOV.UK Frontend |
@include grid-column( 2/3 ) | Deprecated: you cannot apply grid properties to other elements using GOV.UK Frontend |
@include grid-column( 1/3, $full-width: desktop ); | Deprecated: you cannot apply grid properties to other elements using GOV.UK Frontend |
$gutter | $govuk-gutter, only use for the gaps in between grid columns, otherwise use the spacing scale. |
$gutter-half | $govuk-gutter-half, only use for the gaps in between grid columns, otherwise use the spacing scale. |
Media queries
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@include media(desktop) | @include govuk-media-query($from: desktop) @include govuk-media-query($until: desktop) |
@include media(tablet) | @include govuk-media-query($from: tablet) @include govuk-media-query($until: tablet) |
@include media(mobile) | @include govuk-media-query($from: mobile) @include govuk-media-query($until: mobile) |
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@include device-pixel-ratio($ratio: 2) | @include govuk-device-pixel-ratio($ratio: 2) |
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@include inline-block | Deprecated: inline-block is now the default for any components |
@extend %contain-floats | @include govuk-clearfix |
Internet Explorer
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | GOV.UK Frontend |
@include ie(8) | @include govuk-if-ie8 |
Need help?
If you’ve got a question about the GOV.UK Design System you can contact the team: